Mixed media is an artistic method that incorporates several types of materials into a single work. This may include, but is not limited to, the use of paint, ink, paper, wood, metal, fabric, etc. With the advent of digital technology, new forms of mixed media have emerged, incorporating digital elements such as digital photography, computer-generated art, and more.

Art, at first glance, seems to occupy a special place in society. However, like all the other sectors that make it up, art depends above all on production, dissemination and communication activities involving a diversity of actors, actions and interactions. Since the 2000s and the massive arrival of digital technology, the art world has had to follow this movement and in turn begin the transition of their activities to this new, entirely digital world.

This has led to the "Uberization" of art worlds, where it has become common to purchase artworks online without having seen them in person. E-commerce sites dedicated to selling art, such as Singulart and Artsper, have emerged, and this market is booming.

However, digitalization has also affected the perception of the value of a work of art. A work that can be viewed by anyone in a digital format may lose its perceived value. On the other hand, digital technology allows a forgotten work of art to be reborn and a work aimed at a small, geographically dispersed audience to be profitable thanks to its immediate accessibility.

An example of the impact of digital technology on the art world is Google Arts & Culture, which centralizes more than 60,000 works digitized in ultra high definition. This not only allows you to view works of art in more detail, but also allows you to search for works by pictorial movement, date, artist, theme, medium or historical figure. It is a valuable tool for art students, who can view all the works they want without having to leave home.

Image credit: Romain Pisa