Mise à jour de l'algorithme LinkedIn 2024 : Guide complet pour maximiser l'impact de vos publications

Mise à jour de l'algorithme LinkedIn 2024 : Guide complet pour maximiser l'impact de vos publications

En 2024, LinkedIn a mis à jour son algorithme pour optimiser la visibilité et l'engagement des publications. Que vous soyez un professionnel cherchant à accroître votre présence ou une entreprise v...

Comment l’E-E-A-T Influence la confiance des consommateurs et vos ventes

Comment l’E-E-A-T Influence la confiance des consommateurs et vos ventes

De nos jours, on voit partout des spécialistes du marketing se vanter d’avoir généré des conversions. Un expert en SEO prétend que son contenu a fait gagner des millions à une entreprise. Un spécia...

+25 Règles d'or pour les entrepreneurs !

+25 Règles d'or pour les entrepreneurs !

Vous vous demandez ce que vaut réellement une école de commerce pour devenir entrepreneur ? On vous dit tout de suite : cette vidéo va vous en apprendre bien plus. En dix ans, j'ai rencontré mes me...

Identifier son ultra-compétence pour faire la différence sur un marché

Identifier son ultra-compétence pour faire la différence sur un marché

Comprendre son "Red Sea moment" L'expression "Red Sea moment" fait référence à la traversée de la Mer Rouge par les Israélites, comme décrit dans le livre de l'Exode. En fuyant l'esclavage en Égypt...

Bernard ArnaultBernard Arnault : De Roubaix à l'empire du luxe mondial

Bernard Arnault: From Roubaix to the global luxury empire

It's fascinating to think that the richest man in the world is a Frenchman you all know: Bernard Arnault . His fortune exceeds $200 billion, ahead of titans like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk. But how ...

SEOScreaming Frog : L'outil indispensable et rentable pour le SEO

Screaming Frog: The essential and profitable tool for SEO

Among these tools, Screaming Frog stands out for its efficiency and profitability. With an annual cost of 250 euros, it is much more affordable than other tools like SEMrush, whose cost is s...

SEOOptimisez les pages de catégorie de votre e-commerce : Un guide complet SEO

Optimize your e-commerce category pages: A complete SEO guide

This is the story of one of our clients who, after working with many SEO agencies without success, turned to us with a messy site. Today, they are enjoying a 43% year-over-year increase in t...

Thierry Vignal : l'ascension et les leçons d'un entrepreneur de la French Tech

Thierry Vignal: the rise and lessons of a French Tech entrepreneur

Thierry Vignal, a name that resonates in the French entrepreneurial world, perfectly embodies the tumultuous journey of many French Tech entrepreneurs. Its history, marked by dazzling successes an...

SEOLe Guide Complet du Netlinking SEO en 2024

The Complete Guide to Netlinking SEO in 2024

Welcome to this complete guide to netlinking, also known as off-page SEO, one of the three essential pillars of SEO. At the end of this guide, you will be able to identify the important pi...

SEOLes tristes vérités du SEO que personne ne vous dit

The sad truths of SEO that no one tells you

1. The pitch before practice In the SEO industry, the ability to sell SEO services is often more valued than true SEO expertise. It even happens that during many SEO pitches, no SEO exp...

SEOOptimisation du SEO : Ne Négligez pas le Maillage Interne !!

SEO Optimization: Don’t Neglect Internal Networking!!

Hi ! Today, we are going to talk about a hot topic for all owners of e-commerce sites or marketplaces: internal networking and PageRank management. You know, that moment when you realize tha...

Décryptage des montages en Holdings : Comment bâtir une fortune avec peu d'apport ?

Decryption of Holdings arrangements: How to build a fortune with little contribution?

Hi ! Today, we are going to delve into a subject which seems reserved for major financiers, but which is within everyone's reach if we take the time to understand: the formation of companies...

Les 5 étapes pour transformer une agence en success story à 50k de MRR

The 5 steps to transform an agency into a success story with 50k MRR

Step 1: Designing the Offer “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” » -Confucius. The first stone of your entrepreneurial building is the offer. It m...

SEOGoogle Search Console : Comment trouver des opportunités de mots-clés ?

Google Search Console: How to Find Keyword Opportunities?

After many hours of exploring the depths of Google Search Console, I finally discovered effective methods for identifying keyword opportunities that could improve your website's SEO. It's am...

SEOL'avenir du SEO : Moins technique, plus orienté marque

The Future of SEO: Less Technical, More Brand-Oriented

The future of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) appears to mark a decisive shift towards a less technical and more strategic dimension, focused on brand value rather than traditional aspects ...

Développement personelLes 9 meilleures habitudes de développement personel pour devenir la meilleure version de soi même en 2024 - HYTRAPE

The 9 best personal development habits to become the best version of yourself in 2024

In the incessant quest for personal development , our habits are the pillars that support our deepest ambitions. Like the threads that weave the web of our daily lives, they can lift us to heights ...

SaaS4 Erreurs Fatales avec le Pricing (2024) - HYTRAPE

4 Fatal Mistakes with Pricing (2024)

4 Fatal Mistakes with Pricing If you bring a lot of leads to your SaaS, but they all get stuck at the pricing page, it's time to review your offer. Before you think about a promo code to get a...

FreelanceMasterclass : fiscalité en freelance 2024 - HYTRAPE

Masterclass: freelance taxation 2024

Introduction: Definition, Objectives and Viable Options for Freelancers To begin: what are we talking about? Definition of Taxation : set of rules, laws and practices which govern the collect...

BUSINESSComment générer une idée de businnes model (2024) - HYTRAPE

What is a business model and how to build it in 2024?

This article is for all entrepreneurs, startups, and established businesses looking to navigate the business landscape of 2024. We'll define what a business model is, examine why it's es...

Les nouvelles dynamiques du freelancing en 2024 - HYTRAPE

The new dynamics of freelancing in 2024

The world of freelancing is constantly evolving, and Malt's latest report offers a fascinating insight into current trends that are redefining the way businesses and freelancers interact. He...

Comment créer un Value Asset en 6 étapes (2024) - HYTRAPE

How to create a Value Asset in 6 steps (2024)

The rise of digital has transformed the way entrepreneurs and content creators share their knowledge. Among emerging strategies, that of Value-Assets stands out for its extraordinary potenti...

SEOLes 5 techniques SEO en E-commerce (SHOPIFY SEO) - HYTRAPE

The 5 SEO techniques in E-commerce (SHOPIFY SEO)

SEO is an ever-evolving field, and e-commerce players in 2024 face new limits and best practices. At the dawn of this new era, companies must adapt to increasingly precise criteria to ensure their ...

SEO15 Astuces SEO avancées accessibles aux débutants - HYTRAPE

15 Advanced SEO Tips Accessible to Beginners

SEO you know. It has become a crucial element in ensuring the visibility and success of a website. However, with search engine algorithms constantly evolving, it can be difficult to stay up ...

Les secrets d'une agence de conception web réussie en 2024 - HYTRAPE

Secrets of a successful web design agency in 2024

After more than six years of experience, mistakes and learning in the world of freelancing, I have finally refined a method that guarantees the satisfaction and loyalty of my clients. Today ...