How to go from a CPA of €35 to less than €5 (Case study)

Comment-passer-d-un-CPA-de-35-à-moins-de-5-Étude-de-cas HYTRAPE

Today, we're going to dive into a case study that will make your hair stand on end (in a good way, I promise). We will see how a consulting company managed to reduce its CPA from €35 to less than €5. Yes, you read correctly. Buckle up, it's going to be amazing!

The context: A customer lost in the jungle of Google Ads

Just imagine: an advice company that sells support for €2,000 on average. They used Google Ads, but it was a bit of a mess. Their CPA? 135€ for a lead. Suffice it to say that they were throwing money out the window.

What were the problems?

  1. Poorly structured campaigns (a real bag of knots)
  2. Generic keywords that attract anyone
  3. A bidding strategy that is not at all suitable
  4. Approximate tracking (like shooting a bow blindfolded)

In short, it wasn't fun. But don't worry, the digital marketing superheroes have arrived!

Phase 1: The big spring cleaning

First step: we rolled up our sleeves and cleaned up.

  1. Semantic analysis: We dissected the keywords like pros. SEMrush, Google's keyword planner, we used everything. The objective? Find the nuggets, these long-tail queries that would bring us qualified traffic.
  2. Dive into the history: We played detective in the account data. With a few well-placed filters, we found the keywords that really deserved our attention.
  3. Restructuring of campaigns: We reorganized everything so that it was logical and effective. The idea? Have perfect consistency between the keyword, the ad and the landing page. This is how we obtain quality scores that make us dream!

Auction strategy: change in the air

We went from “maximize conversions” to “maximize conversions with target CPA”. For what ? Because that's how we stop throwing money down the drain on keywords that cost an arm and a leg without bringing in anything.

Tracking: the keystone

Without good tracking, it's like navigating without a compass. We checked everything:

  • Conversions on all forms
  • Call conversions
  • The DataLayer (yes, it’s technical, but it’s important!)

And the icing on the cake? We added offline conversions. This way, Google's algorithm really understands what works and what doesn't.

The results after 8 weeks? Hang in there:

  • CPA divided by 2
  • Conversion volume multiplied by 3

Not bad for a start, right?

Phase 2: Optimization, or how to move up a gear

Now that we had a solid foundation, we started to refine.

  1. Ads: We played with responsive search ads, testing different marketing angles. Result ? Quality scores that climb and CTR that jumps.
  2. Landing pages: We optimized everything:
    • Loading speed (because no one likes to wait)
    • User experience (with Google Analytics and Hotjar as allies)
    • The conversion rate (because that’s where it comes into play)

We also did painstaking work:

  • Exclude unnecessary search terms
  • Pause low-profit keywords
  • Adjust target CPAs for each ad group

And guess what? It paid off! We continued to see the CPC drop and the conversion rate remain stable. This is how you increase the volume of leads while reducing the CPA.

Phase 3: Expansion to new horizons (aka Meta)

Once Google Ads was purring like a well-fed cat, we tackled Meta (Facebook and Instagram for short).

  1. We have created specific funnels for each type of target, with tailor-made landing pages.
  2. We tested all possible formats: UGC, FGC, static creations... We left nothing to chance!
  3. We launched the campaigns and analyzed like crazy. Here's what we learned:
    • UGC and FGC were a hit
    • The funnel with calculator was a real success
    • The lead forms worked really well

Result after 2 months on Meta? A CPA of €4.85. Yes, you read correctly !

Lessons to learn

  1. Structure is the basis of everything. Without a good structure, it's like building a house of cards on sand.
  2. Tracking is your best friend. Without reliable data, you navigate by sight.
  3. Test, test, and test again. What works for others won't necessarily work for you.
  4. Don't be afraid to question your strategies. If something doesn't work, change it!
  5. Diversify your channels. Google Ads is good, but Meta can also bring you big.

So, ready to revolutionize your campaigns? Remember, Rome was not built in a day. It takes work, patience, and lots of coffee. But when you see your CPAs dropping and your conversions climbing, believe me, you'll be glad you persevered!

And you, what has been your greatest success in digital marketing? Share your experiences in the comments, we love learning new tips!

PS: If you want to know more or need help with your campaigns, do not hesitate to contact me. Together, we can work miracles (or at least divide your CPA by 7, which is already not bad)!