Bluume, a young 22-year-old rapper from Toulouse. Since the release of his project "BLUUMADJIN" in 2022, Bluume has established himself on the semi-professional scene, making an impression with his unique style and artistic vision.
Ilse stands out for its spontaneous and intuitive creative process. Indeed, Bluume records his pieces phrase by phrase, a method inspired by new modes of creation, notably DMV flow. This approach allows him to capture the essence of the moment, giving his music authenticity.
He works closely with his sound engineer, L1STABLE, and producer Raribeatzz, known for his work with Sam Rothstein, as well as Triple Nine in the same studio.
A big consumer of French rap, he admires artists such as Green Montana, So la lune, Josman and RSKO, while remaining attentive to trends in the mainstream and the underground scene. He also draws his inspiration from other genres such as Afrobeat, with artists like Asake, and electro, with Overmono and Fred again. In American rap, Future and Key Glock are two figures who have particularly influenced his current project, leading him to explore simpler and more effective trap sounds, while emphasizing flow and presence.
Photo: @ninja_visuals
'Irish Coffee' & 'Espresso Martini' - Symbolic Project
The title of his project, "Irish Coffee", is a metaphor for the themes covered in his songs: addictions and vices, symbolized by alcohol, as well as ambition and overwork, represented by coffee. This choice reflects Bluume's desire to create music that speaks to complex and nuanced realities. The cover of the album, designed by Salu_cv, represents a casino token, an aesthetic that fits with the universe of the project. The name of the second track, "SAM ROTHSTEIN", is a tribute to the main character in Scorsese's film "Casino", Bluume's favorite film.
These projects aim to present an updated palette of his solo music ahead of the release of a longer format planned for 2024. With his clear artistic vision and commitment to musical innovation, Bluume is undoubtedly an artist to watch from closely on the French rap scene.