Damso: The Odyssey of a Rap Philosopher

Damso-L-odyssée-d-un-philosophe-du-rap HYTRAPE

Born in Kinshasa, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, little William had to flee the war with his family. Heading for Belgium, a welcoming land that would become his musical playground. It was there, in the streets of Brussels, that the future Damso would forge his unique style.

But beware, the path has not been a long, quiet river. Our man must have suffered, sometimes sleeping in the corridors of the Brussels-Midi station. A radical, almost crazy choice, but which shows how much he believed in his art. That's what you call being hungry, right?

And then, destiny knocks on his door. In 2014, Damso appears on Booba's OKLM playlist. Bingo! The public discovers this disillusioned flow, these deep lyrics that speak as much about his past in the DRC as about his anxieties as a future father. It is the beginning of a meteoric rise.

"Batterie faible", "Ipséité", "Lithopédion"... Each album is a new level reached. Damso doesn't just make rap, he philosophizes in music. He addresses taboo subjects with disconcerting maturity. Prostitution, incest, suicide... Nothing escapes his sharp pen.

But don't think that Damso is resting on his laurels. No, this guy is constantly evolving. Take "QALF" for example. With this album, he shows us a more optimistic side, while continuing to make us think. He talks to us about historical education, far from the clichés about his country of origin.

And then there are his collaborations. From Nekfeu to Angèle, via Aya Nakamura, Damso never stops expanding his musical horizons. He even composes for artists like Kendji Girac or Louane. Not bad for a guy who used to sleep in train stations, right?

But Damso is not just music. He is a true cultural phenomenon. His concerts? Sold out in a few minutes. His streams? He is breaking records. In 2021, he even won the Ultratop Streaming Award, the prize for the most streamed Belgian artist. No wonder the music world is fighting over him!

And now? The final chapter

And here we come to the end of the story. Or almost. Damso announced that his next album, "BĒYĀH", scheduled for May 30, 2025, will be his last. A shock for his fans, but a decision that once again shows his artistic maturity. "I have reached the level I wanted musically, I can finally move on. My musical therapy is over, I have healed," he tells us.

15,000 copies sold in 24 hours, without a tracklist or single. Who else but Damso could achieve such a feat? This is the ultimate proof of the impact he had on French-speaking rap and beyond.

So, what does this latest album have in store for us? Mystery. But one thing is certain: Damso will have left his mark on his era. From Kinshasa to Brussels, from squats to the biggest stages, he will have traced his path, without compromise, with only his words and his flow as weapons. A journey that commands respect, right?

While waiting for May 30, 2025, we can only salute the artist, the poet, the philosopher that is Damso. And tell ourselves that with only 34 cents in our pocket, we can sometimes change the world. Or at least, the world of music.