The culture of counterfeiting is becoming more and more integrated into modern society, gradually making the taboo around replicas disappear. Counterfeiters produce increasingly precise and convincing imitations.

Beyond the debate over the justification for paying exorbitant prices for a brand's official label, let's examine why, in 2023, there are still reasons to buy counterfeit sneakers and why so many sneakerheads are obsessed by purchasing these imitations.

A recent study by Hotukdeals found that the 25 most counterfeited sneakers represent a black market worth almost £3 million, after analyzing thousands of websites and social profiles.

The study also revealed the reasons why they buy counterfeit sneakers. The main reason is lack of availability (48%), beyond the cost of the original product (8%) or resale (37%).

Ultimately, all this exclusivity generated around the product means that the original shoe brands themselves, with their discourse linked to the cult of drops and hype, end up being the main cause of the success of the black market. Limiting releases leads to an endless ocean of replicas and the sneakerhead community is constantly succumbing to its charms.

What are the most counterfeited sneakers?

With over 3,000 entries dedicated to quality control and product reviews, the Air Jordan 1 Retro High OG Dark Mocha has become the most counterfeited sneaker on the black market. The Mochas, which originally released in 2020, are currently available for resale for around $500 to $800 depending on size, and their replicas for around $128. In this ranking, the Jordan Fragment Low x Travis Scott occupies second place, ahead of the Travis Scott 1.

Why do so many sneakerheads buy fakes?

In this world of counterfeiting, Nike is by far the most counterfeited brand, dominating the sector with 88% market share, thanks in particular to the popularity of the Nike Dunk Low Black White 20, which propelled the brand to the forefront of this controversial paradigm.

In conclusion, the culture of counterfeiting has integrated our society and seduced many sneakerheads. The main reasons are the lack of availability of original models and the high prices of limited editions. Brands need to realize this and find ways to satisfy the growing demand for their products, to reduce the appeal of counterfeits.