Intelligence Artificielle : Un Pas de Géant Vers la Lecture des Pensées - HYTRAPE

Artificial Intelligence: A Giant Step Towards Mind Reading

Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin recently made a major breakthrough in the field of artificial intelligence (AI): they developed technology capable of “reading” human thoughts. Published in the prestigious journal Nature Neuroscience, this research relies on a...

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Zephalto : Startup française qui va proposer des voyages dans la stratosphère dès 2024. - HYTRAPE

Zephalto: French startup that will offer trips to the stratosphere from 2024.

In a bold leap for the space tourism industry, French start-up Zephalto plans to take passengers up to 25 kilometers for an extraordinary culinary experience. With the support of the French Space Agency (CNES), Zephalto aims to mix technological innovation...

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Google Bard : 7 points essentiels à connaître - HYTRAPE

Google Bard: 7 essential points to know

It's time to get to know Google Bard, the new artificial intelligence developed by the Mountain View firm. In this casual guide, learn everything you need to know about this revolutionary chatbot, its features, pros and cons. Prepare to be...

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Snailbrook, la ville futuriste d'Elon Musk - HYTRAPE

Snailbrook, Elon Musk's futuristic town

Elon Musk, the famous billionaire owner of SpaceX and Tesla, plans to build a city for his employees near Austin, Texas. This town will be named Snailbrook and will be dedicated exclusively to the employees of its companies. The project...

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Les lunettes de réalité augmentée "Metas" arriveront en 2027 - HYTRAPE

“Metas” augmented reality glasses will arrive in 2027

Meta, the American technology company that was previously known as Facebook, recently announced its plans for the coming years in the field of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). During a roadmap presentation last Tuesday, Meta revealed details of...

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10 idées de startups qui allient la technologie et le green business - HYTRAPE

10 startup ideas that combine technology and green business

Green business: when ecology meets profitability Green business is increasingly present in our current society. Many companies seek to reconcile profitability and respect for the environment. But what exactly is green business? And how can businesses get on board with...

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STEM PROJECTOR : la nouvelle arme secrète des amateurs de cinéma - HYTRAPE

STEM PROJECTOR: the new secret weapon for cinema lovers

The STEM PROJECTOR is the latest from Kano Computing, the British company behind the STEM PLAYER, the interactive music player which exclusively contained Kanye West's 10th album. This time, Kano Computing has highlighted the cinema side with a small video...

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