Louvre 2031 : Emmanuel Macron dévoile un plan de rénovation à 800 millions d’euros

Louvre 2031 : Emmanuel Macron dévoile un plan de rénovation à 800 millions d’euros

Quelques jours après l’alerte lancée par Laurence des Cars sur l’état préoccupant du Louvre, Emmanuel Macron a officiellement annoncé un vaste plan de rénovation du célèbre musée parisien. Lors de sa visite du 28 janvier 2025, le président a détaillé...

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Notch, l’homme derrière Minecraft, réinvente-t-il son chef-d’œuvre ?

Is Notch, the man behind Minecraft, reinventing his masterpiece?

On January 3, Markus Persson, better known as Notch, posted a message on X that shook the gaming world. "I just announced Minecraft 2." A simple sentence, but one that is loaded with meaning. For millions of players, it's a...

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Le Winter Arc : Révolution personnelle sous un ciel gris

The Winter Arc: Personal Revolution Under a Gray Sky

Winter. That time of year when the days get shorter, the sun is scarce, and we often prefer to stay warm, wrapped up in a blanket, away from the hustle and bustle outside. Yet, while many give in to the...

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Top 10 des streamers français les plus populaires sur Twitch en 2024

Top 10 Most Popular French Streamers on Twitch in 2024

Kameto, Squeezie, Aminematue… You’ve heard these names before, even if you don’t spend your evenings on Twitch. These iconic figures continue to break records and attract millions of viewers. But what’s really behind this rise? Twitch, YouTube, Kick: streaming platforms...

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Les 10 meilleurs Tiny Desk Concert depuis 2025

Top 10 Tiny Desk Concerts Since 2025

NPR's Tiny Desk Concerts transformed the way we experience live music, stripping artists back to the essence of their craft: voice, instruments, and raw emotion. For those accustomed to the big productions and lighting effects of big stages, these concerts,...

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Quincy Jones est mort à l’âge de 91 ans

Quincy Jones dies at age 91

Quincy Jones, the ultimate music icon, has passed away at the age of 91. Last night, the news broke: an irreparable loss to the music industry, and beyond. The name Quincy Jones doesn’t just resonate with those who listen to...

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L’histoire de la casquette des Yankees : du sport à la culture mondiale

The History of the Yankees Cap: From Sport to Global Culture

We all know this cap. Deep black, intertwined N and Y logo – the Yankees cap is not just an accessory. It is a myth, a powerful cultural symbol, a discreet manifesto of New York attitude. But how did this...

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The Ocean Cleanup : un espoir pour nos océans, mais à quel prix ?

The Ocean Cleanup: hope for our oceans, but at what cost?

Boyan Slat, a young Dutch engineer, was barely 18 years old when he launched his crazy challenge in 2013: to clean the oceans of the plastics that invade them. Today, The Ocean Cleanup has established itself as one of the...

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Les bienfaits cachés de la musique : Thérapie mentale et relaxation sonore

The Hidden Benefits of Music: Mental Therapy and Sound Relaxation

Funny, right? We all listen to music, every day, without thinking much about it. Yet, we often underestimate how much it impacts our well-being. We know it makes us feel good, but we are not always aware of the real...

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Taylor Swift devient la chanteuse la plus riche du monde avec 1,6 milliard de dollars

Taylor Swift becomes world's richest singer with $1.6 billion

Taylor Swift, the richest singer in the world. Just a title like that, and it already seems like everything has been said. But behind the numbers, there is a much more fascinating story. Because Taylor Swift, at 34, has not...

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Résumé du Livre 'Libérez votre cerveau' par Idriss Aberkanne

Summary of the book 'Free your brain' by Idriss Aberkanne

Have you ever wondered why we are told to stay within the framework? To follow the rules, to listen carefully in class and not to question too much what we are taught? We have heard this kind of speech since...

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LEGO x Pharrell Williams : 'Over the Moon' un set spacial

LEGO x Pharrell Williams: 'Over the Moon' a space set

So, hold on tight because LEGO and Pharrell Williams have just released something crazy! Together, they have concocted a buildable set that is awesome, and believe me, it is worth the detour. Dubbed " Over the Moon ," this little...

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Oscars-Halle-Berry-seule-au-monde-22-ans-après HYTRAPE

Oscars: Halle Berry alone in the world, 22 years later

Halle Berry is having a rant. And frankly, we understand her. Twenty-two years after her Oscar, still not a single black sister has won the prize for best actress. It's not for lack of talent to sell, though! Our National...

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ZEvent-2024-130-Streamers-10-Millions-de-Dons-et-des-Moments-Inoubliables HYTRAPE

ZEvent 2024: 130 Streamers, 10 Million Donations and Unforgettable Moments

ZEvent 2024 was a bit like the family reunion we've all been waiting for, except that this time, 130 streamers came together for an unprecedented charity marathon. And once again, they hit hard: more than 10 million euros raised to...

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